Signs that you are a fashion advisor to your friends

There are some indicators and signals that make you a fashion advisor to your friends and relatives, and that you are the first and most reliable person among everyone to get advice either on matching clothes or when wanting to buy them, and in our article for today we will discuss the most famous points that are able to answer the question, why are you the person that everyone refers to and the advisor? You are the expert in fashion and the latest trends.
You know all the latest brands and their launch dates
Many classic and modern designs appear day after day, and the huge diversity between these styles and the brands that they launch is something that can only be followed and known by a fashion lover. If you are one of the women who knows everything new in this field and the history of the launch of new brands, then you are definitely a fashion expert and consultant, your friends depend on you for advice that will make them more beautiful and enable them to obtain everything new and luxurious.
An expert in matching your clothes with your accessories
You have a special style when it comes to matching clothes and accessories to make you look amazing and more elegant. You know how to match pieces and colors with each other, and you also enable you to create more than one look and style with one piece or transform a casual look into a formal look with one touch. You are an expert and consultant in fashion, because this skill does not come easily, but it is a great knowledge in this field.
Friends are counting on you with fashion shopping tips
You know very well what clothes you should buy and which will suit you without even trying them on. You share your knowledge with your friends by providing some advice while shopping that suits them and reflects their personalities and tastes. All of this indicates that you are close and familiar with everything that goes on in the corridors of international fashion houses, and this point is an indication. In addition, you are the fashion advisor who should always be trusted when shopping for the perfect fashion.
You constantly update your closet
You will find that most of your expenses go because of spending a lot of money on buying many clothes and accessories on an ongoing basis, in an attempt to always keep up with fashion and to change its trends frequently. You also have a variety of clothes and fashions in the classic style and another group in the casual style, and many other styles that will ensure Get the most amazing looks from celebrities.
You follow everything that happens on fashion websites
If you are aware of what is going on in the most famous fashion sites and follow them closely and stay up to date with the latest trends and fashion trends, then you are definitely a fashion expert, because this time that you spend and your knowledge of everything new that goes on in the corridors of fashion sites and brand sites, is nothing but an indication of your thirst to know what is possible. Buy it and whatever suits you, and you can also advise your friends when they see what is being launched by knowing that this piece suits them.
A voracious follower of the most famous fashion blogs
You find yourself familiar with the most famous fashion blogs in Jordan, as your day will not begin without browsing them on a morning and basic basis in order to know every little thing and to understand more of the different trends and styles in this field, and this desire and love, will only be a clear action from the fashion and fashion consultant.
Finally, if you find that all the points we mentioned in this article apply to you, then you are certainly the fashion expert and advisor who can be relied upon among your friends, and you must trust your skill and love for fashion, and even develop it daily and not limit yourself to the limits of family and friends.